What We Do
At the Potter's House Ministries, we offer a lot of different programs, services, and events to the community. Some of these are open to the elderly, some to children, some to citizens of Scioto County, some to everyone, regardless where they live.
Year-long FREE tax preparation services by IRS-certified tax counselors. We prepare Federal taxes, state taxes, past-year taxes, and amend taxes. If interested in helping us, send in a Volunteer Form on the Volunteer Page. Training is in December and tax season starts in January. This service is open to anyone.
We partner with various local agencies and organizations to assist with the following benefits: SSI/SSDI, SNAP, HEAP/PIPP, Neighbor to Neighbor, Marketplace enrollment, FAFSA, Medicaid, OSHIIP (Medicare), and most ODJFS services.
Prayer Care... Click HERE to send a Prayer Request.
Kids' Summer Day Camp, Jun-Aug, for ages 3 to 18.
Choice Pantry, every Tuesday 9 am to 2 pm, and Thursday 9 am to 6 pm. This service is open to residents of Ohio* only. *KY residents ask within.
Senior Box (monthly, Commodity Supplemental Food Parcel); for low-income seniors 60+. If interested, please call the office at 740-776-4004 about eligibility and getting on the waiting list.
Family Fun Day - an annual community event hosted in the fall by PHM and Sciotoville Church of the Nazarene and attended by local organizations and agencies. Free food, fun, and family!
Foster Child Clothing and More (limited capacity)
Health Screenings, by local hospitals and schools.
Nutrition and Financial Responsibility classes
Veterans Outreach program, in January, May, July, and November.
Community Garden on Harrison Street.